Tuesday, 4 July 2017

June 2017

June started well with a day long walk following the River Ivel - plenty of places to go for a swim.

I also went for (another) beach trip! I'm always ready for a trip to Hunstanton...

Oh my goodness - a ball!

Well if ostriches can bury their heads in the sand, why can't I give it a go?

I have been a good boy and listened to the advice I was given about not winning into the next agility grade too quickly. So I got second place instead.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT - THE HUMANS HAVE ENTERED THE WATER! Regular readers may remember my comment last month about them not wanting to get wet feet. Then this happened! Loving my lake swims - it makes 30+ degree heat much more bearable.

All this fun was very tiring - taking a rest ready for July.